Friday, May 1, 2009

Ideas for American Line Stories

This line is wide open for writers with a love of American history. We can be fairly certain that using the basis for romance writing that boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back can be found in most stories, even the short ones. All stories have goal, motivation, and conflict. So with that being said, all of you could write an American story. Yes, you can for all those screaming at the computer that you can’t. I always receive the same comment, but I don’t know anything about American history. Neither do I, --just kidding, Nicole.  An American Line story does not have to be a story dripping with historical facts to the point an author is doing information dump. An American Line story should have historical “flavor” with accuracy and language. Here are some names to look up to get an idea of a heroine upon whom you could base a story: Belle Boyd, Mary Ludwig Hays (aka Molly Pitcher), Deborah Sampson, Anna Warner Bailey, Sarah Emma Edmonds, Madam Loreta Velazquez, Dr. Mary Walker, Ginnie and Lottie Moon, Emmeline Piggott, Elizabeth Howland, Cathay Williams, Annie Etheridge, Lucy Brewer, Sarah Borginis, and Ellen May Tower. These women played a major part in many of the wars on American soil and constitute only part of the lives women played during their time period. You can also do a Google search for “women’s roles in American History” and find more interesting people. If you have an idea for a story and would like my opinion, you can email me at (I’m sorry, but Sargeant-Major Delicious will not answer your email.) You can also post it on the blog, and I’ll get back to you either through the blog or by private email.

Don't forget to check out the new American and Vintage Rose Line Blog. You can find the link listed along the right hand side.


Historical Rose Line said...


Yes, I did. And I also answered it for you. :-) If you don't understand my answer, please feel free to email me.


Amber Leigh Williams said...

I work at a bookstore and let me tell you, there are so many books about American women throughout history who have made a difference. The fictional historical American woman who made me fall in love with this genre was the heroine from Kathleen E. Woodiwiss's Ashes in the Wind. In a word, wow!


Historical Rose Line said...


Kathleen's books were probably the first ones I ever read. My mother handed them to me, I guess when I was around 15 which was back when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. I guess she thought I was ready for that type of genre since I had devoured all of the Victoria Holt books I could find. If anyone hasn't read Kathleen's books, you should take the time to do so. She was a terrific author.


NicDarienzo said...

I can think of so many, Amber. It amazes me that American set historical romance isn't more popular, LOL. We have so many heroes to celebrate!

Wendy, the hero you described sounded fine to me, too. Nothing more heroic than self sacrifice and if a hero feels his woman is better off with someone else even though he loves her... that's what I call romantic. Here's hoping he has a heroine who's determined to change his mind!

Amber Leigh Williams said...


I was so sad to hear Kathleen passed away last year. She definitely left a huge impact on this genre. I can't wait to go back and re-read all her titles.


Silver James said...

If a book fits into several lines, how do the editors determine where it should go?

Kathryn Kelly said...

Kathleen's book were the absolute best! I've been saving her last one - knowing it'll be the last, but it might be time to open it up. To me, there is nothing more exciting than a good historical romance novel.