Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday from the American Rose Line

Welcome to the American Rose Hour. Oh-h-h! Wait a minute. I have to get this hoop skirt—ouch—rearranged in this chair. There, that’s better. There are some good things to say about hoop skirts; for instance, that large expanse of material hides my large expanse of …. Well, you know, ladies what it can hide. Sargeant-Major Delicious wanted to make an appearance, but I told him he would be too much of a distraction for me to type.
Happy Birthday, WRP!!!
My name is Allison Byers, and I am an editor for the American Line. I’m approaching my two year anniversary here at WRP and have enjoyed every moment, and I must say there has never been a dull moment. I’ve enjoyed working with all my authors.
The American Line covers The French and Indian war; Colonial America; the Revolutionary War; the war of 1812; the War Between the States; the Reconstruction era; the dawn of the new century and anything in between. These are the struggles at the heart of the American Rose story. And who doesn’t like a good romantic struggle every now and then.
The central romantic relationship is the key driving force, set against an historically accurate backdrop. These stories are for those who long for the courageous heroes and heroines who fought for their freedom and settled the new world; for gentle southern belles with spines of steel and the gallant gentlemen who sweep them away.
With all that in mind, I would like to tell you what my ideal submission would be. Let’s skip the routine manuscript format, since most of us have done that when we previously submitted or entered contests. I want to write about everything else. Or in other words: Allison’s Top Six Submission Ideals. (I would have had ten, but The Major interrupted me.)

1. I want a story that draws me in from the very beginning—that magical hook that is mentioned many times, but it’s true. Make me want to turn that page and find out what is going to happen.

2. A hero/heroine whom I care about. If your hero or heroine is in trouble, I want to care what happens. I especially dislike immature heroines, or wishy-washy heroes. Charlie Brown is great as a cartoon character, but not as a hero. I don’t like heroines who swoon-give her some fortitude and attitude.

3. Show me the story, don’t tell. If a character is mad, show me the anger. Did he slam the door, throw something across the room. I want to be able to feel that character’s emotion.

4. POV. For historicals, I prefer having two pov’s – the hero and heroine. In really long stories, I , personally, like reading from the villian’s pov.

5. Give me conflict. The conflict of the story should not be solvable in two pages or be one that can be solved by the two characters sitting down over a cup of coffee and hashing things out.. Each character must grow and change within the story.

6. Finally, have a clean manuscript. Please, proofread for those typos, misspelled words, and commonly misused words, i.e. there and their.

Well, that’s about it for the moment. I’ll be back in a few to give you some ideas for an American Story. Plus, I really need to stand up. I think this hoop is cutting off the circulation to my legs.


Lauri said...

Happy Birthday American Line!

I've been blessed to have two American Rose besides Cactus Rose stories. An April to Remember is now on the market, and my civil war short, A Soldier for Christmas, will be part of the American Rose Christmas Anthology.

Congrats to TWRP for all their success and I know there are many, many more years to come!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Lauri, on being part of the American Christmas Anthology.
I'm sure you are excited.


Hywela Lyn said...

Hi Lauri

I'm a Brit, but I love all things American and used to belong to a Western re-enactment Society, where as well as riding Western (the whole package, stock saddle, western bridle and training my horse to go 'easy' like a ranch horse) I know all about those hooped skirts too. (There's quite a knack to sitting down and standing up again, isn't there!
I'm trying to pop in to say Happy Birthday to all the lines as they come up today. Living in the UK I don't have chance to join in the chats because of the time difference, but I'm making the most of today although I'll have to leave the party early as midnight is about my limit which will still be early evening Eastern time.

Anonymous said...

I love stories set in the time period of the American Civil War. And I've read some of the American Roses and they are wonderful. I look forward to reading more

Me :) said...

WOO HOO! Another fantastic rose celebrating a birthday

Rebecca J. Clark said...

Good morning and happy birthday!

I write for Champagne and Scarlet Rose, but wanted to pop in and say hello.

I love historical romance--could never write them though. I don't have the patience for all the research. Thank God for those wonderful writers who do.


danie88 said...

I like your #3 and I have to agree as well... :)

Historical Rose Line said...

Thank you for all the comments, Becky, Anne, Eve, Hywela Lyn, Danie and Lauri. This is truly an interesting time in history.


Lynda Lukow said...

Congrats on your upcoming anniversary, Allison!

Each editor's blog reminds me of the TWRP catalog's diversity. I wish every line continued success.


Linda LaRoque said...

You know, it seems like we went a long while without many Civil War stories. I'm glad to see them coming back into popularity.

Michele said...

Happy Birthday, TWRP!
I love birthdays. Yours is especially exciting. Three years in business! A big congratulations!

Tess Thieler said...

It's nice to meet you, Allison. I'm a new author for TWRP's Crimson Rose line with a relase date set for 09/02/09. I do have an American Rose short story in the works. It's complete, but currently in the editing phase. I look forward to submitting it once it's well polished. It's a bit different than what you've mentioned as "the norm" so I hope you'll find it captivating.

Happy 3rd Birthday to TWRP! I hope we have a long publisher/writer relationship in the years to come. :)
~Tess Thieler

Historical Rose Line said...


For me, wishy-washy is lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and originality. A rather bland, nondescript character. That if i had to describe the character to someone.
In my opinion, the hero you describe would be fine. I consider that part of his growing.

Historical Rose Line said...


Thank you so much for the congratulations!!! Yes, each line is unique, but my love is the historicals.

Amber Leigh Williams said...

Great post? Can we see the Sarge now? LOL


Historical Rose Line said...


I love unique and original. I can hardly wait to see the submission.


Patricia Tanner said...

There are some great reads in this line as well. And Lauri's An April to Remember has received fantastic reviews. It's a story you won't want to miss.

Kaylea Cross said...

Hi Alison! Hope you love Civil War stories, because I've got one almost ready to submit.
Kaylea Cross :)

Donna B said...

Very well said. And I hope you got out of that skirt without any harm to yourself!

Silver James said...

Happy Birthday, everyone!

Susan Macatee said...

Hi, Allison! I know how ornery those hoopskirts can be. LOL.

Great info and I want to wish TWRP a very happy birthday! For myself, I am so glad I discovered this publisher for my American set historicals.

Laurean Brooks said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Give me Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind.

Spunky characters who are a little rough around the edges and aren't afraid to take chances.

Brave and impulsive and willing to fight for what they want and believe.

Sylvie said...

A huge Happy Birthday wish to TWRP!!
And many more...

I'm published in the Yellow Rose, Scarlet Rose, and White Rose lines!

What a great publisher to work with!

Wishing you much success in the years aahead!